I have an MVC application hosted on Windows Server 2016 that was using the 32 bit Oracle client to connect to a DB. I upgraded it to the 64 bit client.
The problem is that the server is now passing the dates in a different format to the DB. It passes it using C#:
comm.Parameters.Add(DATABASE_PARAMETERS.FIELDS.START_DATE, OracleDbType.Date).Value = startDate; //startDate is a DateTime variable
When that date hit the DB, it was coming in the format 'dd-MMM-yyyy'. Since switching to the 64 bit client, the date is showing up on the DB side as 'yy-mm-dd'.
So the format the server is passing the date as has changed, which causing errors on the DB. The DB contains hundreds of packages, so changing the DB code to reformat all the dates is not an option, I need to figure out how to get the server to pass them correctly again. It still works fine from my desktop using the exact same code, this is only a problem once deployed to the server.
I have tried changing the short date format in the region setting in the control panel. I have tried changing the short date value in the registry "HKEY_USERS -> .DEFAULT -> Control Panel -> International".
I have tried passing the date a formatted string instead of DateTime.
I have tried adding this code in the Global.asax.cs of the web project:
protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Globalization.CultureInfo newCulture = (System.Globalization.CultureInfo)System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Clone();
newCulture.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = "dd-MMM-yyyy";
newCulture.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator = "-";
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = newCulture;
Nothing is working. The date is still showing up on the DB as 'yy-mm-dd'.
Any idea how I can fix this?
Edit: To add more to this, the error that is specifically being thrown is:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
And is happening on a line in the DB:
l_end_date := '1-jan-2099';
So adding a format to this:
l_end_date := to_date('1jan2099', 'dd-mon-yyyy');
Solves that problem, but I cannot do this to every date variable across the entire system.
The question is why this executes no problem when I run it from my desktop, but causes an error when I run it from the server when they are running the exact same code and the same Oracle client? And why only once I switched to 64 bit Oracle?
I was saying the server is passing it differently because in the DB package, the first thing I try as a debugging step is to print the value of the In parameter.
When I print the variable as it's passed from my desktop, it's in the format 'dd-MMM-yyyy'. When I use the 32 bit client, it's the same. But when deployed to the server it's 'yy-mm-dd'.
So I think it's something on the server, because it works on my desktop, and with the 32 bit Oracle client.
Edit 2, here's some more code that's been asked for. Here's the C# function that calls the DB package:
public CustomObject GetList(string username, DateTime? startDate, DateTime? endDate)
using (comm = new OracleCommand("db.funtion", conn))
comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
comm.Parameters.Add(TASConstants.DATABASE_PARAMETERS.FIELDS.BATCH_OUTPUT_CURSOR, OracleDbType.RefCursor, ParameterDirection.Output);
comm.Parameters.Add(TASConstants.DATABASE_PARAMETERS.FIELDS.USER_NAME, OracleDbType.Varchar2, TASConstants.DATABASE_PARAMETERS.LENGTHS.USER_NAME).Value = username;
comm.Parameters.Add(TASConstants.DATABASE_PARAMETERS.FIELDS.START_DATE, OracleDbType.Date).Value = startDate;
comm.Parameters.Add(TASConstants.DATABASE_PARAMETERS.FIELDS.END_DATE, OracleDbType.Date).Value = endDate;
comm.Parameters[TASConstants.DATABASE_PARAMETERS.FIELDS.MESSAGE_FLAG].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
comm.Parameters[TASConstants.DATABASE_PARAMETERS.FIELDS.MESSAGE_BODY].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
OracleDataAdapter da = new OracleDataAdapter(comm);
DataTable result = new DataTable();
BatchList batchList = new BatchList();
da.Fill(result); //error throw here
The DB package
Procedure function(p_ssp_rec_refcur Out ssp_rec_refcur
,p_username In Varchar2
,p_start_date In Date
,p_end_date In Date
,p_successful_flag Out Varchar2
,p_message Out Varchar2) As
l_start_date Date := p_start_date;
l_end_date Date := p_end_date;
If Not ws_base.authenticate_fn(p_username, 8013, ws_base.c_update, p_message) Then
End If;If p_end_date Is Null Then
l_end_date := '1-jan-2099'; --error thrown here
End If;
If p_start_date Is Null Then
l_start_date := '1-jan-1901';
End If;
So yes, adding a date format to the line for l_end_date solves the issue, but management will not accept that solution because 1) it worked with the 32 bit Oracle client, and 2) it works with the 64 bit client from our desktops. Same code, same client installed.
The mystery here is why that is the case?
The issue does not appear to be related to how the application passes in dates. The issue appears to be that the stored procedures the application uses are written incorrectly (or at least poorly) and depend on the client's nls_date_format
being set to a particular value in order to function correctly. That means that the same code running on different machines (or using a different client on the same machine depending on how the client chooses to set the nls_date_format
) will behave differently. Obviously, that isn't a desirable property for an application to have.
Options to fix the problem in order of correctness (I understand that you're probably limited to some of the more band-aid-ish approaches right now)
Fix the stored procedures to use proper date literals or explicit to_date
If the procedure used date literals or explicit to_date
calls, it would work regardless of the client settings
If p_end_date Is Null Then
l_end_date := date '2099-01-01';
End If;
If p_start_date Is Null Then
l_start_date := to_date( '1-jan-1901', 'dd-mon-yyyy' );
End If;
Explicitly set the nls_date_format
on login
After creating a database connection, you can set the nls_date_format
alter session set nls_date_format = dd-mon-yyyy
That at least ensures that the application's code base is setting up the environment that it specifically needs so that when the code base gets moved to a different machine it will work correctly.
Set the nls_date_format
as an environment variable on the client
On the client, you can set an environment variable for nls_date_format
. You're still dependent on client settings but at least this is a machine-level client setting.
Set the nls_date_format
in the registry for the particular Oracle client installation
You can set the nls_date_format
in the registry for the particular Oracle client installation that you're using. Here's another StackOverflow answer that goes into a bit more detail on doing this. This means, though, that if you try to use a different Oracle client on the same machine that you'd get failures again and future you would have to remember that you modified the registry to get the app to work previously.