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Trying to make the python shell go full screen upon launch and also make a popup image go straight into full screen

I'm working on some extra curricular work for school and attempting to implement images into my game of hangman , the main issues I am having is when opening the image it is opening behind the shell and as such can't be noticed. I'm hoping to be doing it with the subprocess library -"taskkill /f /im Microsoft.Photos.exe" , shell=True) - in a similar way to how the window is shut afterwards.

Along with this , when using - print('\n' * 100) - to hide the word which the users will guess , my text begins to go offscreen which is easily fixed by making the window fill the screen but just wondering if there is an easier , automated way to do this through python ?


  • You can try using cv2 library, for example :

    import cv2
    image = cv2.imread("face.jpg")
    cv2.imshow("Gray", image)

    This will show the photo on the screen untill you press a key to destroy it.

    You can also change the photo resolution with cv2.resize(image,x,y) and check the image current resolution with image.shape()