How can I get all possible subgraphs of a graph in JGraphT in a List<MyGraph>
or Set<MyGraph>
I've read the documentation of JGraphT, but I couldn't find anything to help me with that particular issue.
The answer to this question depends on whether the OP wants a vertex-induced subgraph or an edge-induced subgraph. To create a vertex or edge induced subgraph in JGraphT, use the AsSubgraph class. There is no method that will simply generate all possible subgraphs as this is a very uncommon procedure, but it is easy to implement yourself. Do notice that there are 2^n
possible vertex induced subgraphs, where n
is the number of vertices. So the number of subgraphs is huge.
.Coarsely, the code looks like this:
//Initiate some graph. The vertex/edge type is irrelevant for this question
Graph<Integer,DefaultEdge> graph = new SimpleGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);
//Generate powerset
List<Set<Integer>> powerSet = powerSet(graph.vertexSet());
//Create subgraphs:
for(Set<Integer> subset : powerSet)
Graph<Integer,DefaultEdge> subGraph = new AsSubgraph(graph, subset);
To implement the powerSet function, many examples can be found on SO. To compute edge induced subgraphs, repeat the above but instead of graph.vertexSet() use graph.edgeSet();