I want to build a language switcher on my nuxt app with nuxt-i18n plugin. Important note is, that I am using TypeScript instead of JavaScript.
As in the documentation (https://i18n.nuxtjs.org/lang-switcher) I implemented the following code into my Navbar component:
<nav class="navbar">
<div class="container">
v-for="locale in availableLocales"
:to="switchLocalePath(locale.code)">{{ locale.name }}
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
export default Vue.extend({
name: "TheNavbar",
computed: {
availableLocales() {
return this.$i18n.locales.filter(i => i.code !== this.$i18n.locale);
In my app this solution works. But the console prints out the two following errors:
ERROR ERROR in src/components/shared/TheNavbar.vue:25:14 18:49:05
TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
23 | computed: {
24 | async availableLocales() {
> 25 | return this.$i18n.locales.filter(i => i?.code !== this.$i18n.locale);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
26 | }
27 | }
28 | })
ERROR in src/components/shared/TheNavbar.vue:25:48
TS2339: Property 'code' does not exist on type 'string | LocaleObject'.
Property 'code' does not exist on type 'string'.
23 | computed: {
24 | async availableLocales() {
> 25 | return this.$i18n.locales.filter(i => i?.code !== this.$i18n.locale);
| ^^^^
26 | }
27 | }
28 | })
My i18n configuration in nuxt.config.js:
i18n: {
locales: [
code: 'de',
name: 'Deutsch',
code: 'en',
name: 'English'
defaultLocale: 'de',
vueI18n: {
fallbackLocale: 'de',
messages: {
de: {
welcome: 'Willkommen'
en: {
welcome: 'Welcome'
Try this:
v-for="locale in availableLocales"
:to="switchLocalePath(locale.code)">{{ locale.name }}