I have the following class:
class CountryDataItem (
id: Long?,
private val countryName :String?,
private var countryFlagUrl : String?,
var gameCount : Int,
var liveCount:Int
) : BaseDataItem(id) {
companion object {
fun onCreateViewHolder(
parent: ViewGroup,
onRecyclerItemClickListener: OnRecyclerItemClickListener?
): RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
val view: View =
LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.country_item, parent, false);
But when running:
I'm getting the exception. Can't understand why I even used the method : getMethods to get a list with the names of all the methods in the class, and the method exist. It means i'm sending a wrong parameter (but cannot figure out what is wrong) Attachment List:
Additional Info: The second argument i'm sending to getMethod is a WeakReference that conceal inside him a instance that is from type AllScoresFragment and also implements the interface OnRecyclerItemClickListener, but when i'm running the getMethod method with :
, the result is AllScoresFragment type and not OnRecyclerItemClickListener type. Therefore he can't find the method and throws an exception.
Trying to cast the object before sending it:
val castedVariable = onRecyclerItemClickListenerRef.get() as? OnRecyclerItemClickListener
and then sending it as:
doesn't help. Maybe someone can give me an idea how to overcome the problem?
Creating a companion object in a class Kotlin is equivalent to creating a static final class within a class in Java. So, the method defined in the companion object is not equivalent to a static method within a class in Java and cannot be accessed as you have tried to. Try this:
import kotlin.reflect.full.companionObject
If the import is not found add the kotlin-reflect library.
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:1.4.20"