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@controlleradvice giving error : scope 'session' is not active for current thread

I am facing an issue with Spring mvc annotation @Controlleradvice. I have 2 controller classes: UserGapsController and RegistrationBaseController Both classes use

  1. @Controller
  2. @Controlleradvice
  3. @Autowired session object
  4. @Scope(WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION)

@Controlleradvice annotation has to be used when @Modelattribute is used at method level. So i am having a method annotated with @Modelattribute in both classes. Now problem is when i am using @Controlleradvice in just , application runs fine , when i use @Controlleradvice in also , it breaks down at runtime with following error:

error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.requestmappinghandler: invocation of init method failed:nested exceotion is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException :Error creating bean with name 'userGapsController' : Scope 'session' is not active for current thread

What is the reason for this error , can not we have 2 @Controlleradvice annotated classes ? When I comment @Controlleradvice in , it executes fine then.


  • You trying to have multiple @ControllerAdvice classes that handle different exceptions.

    You can use Order over controllerAdvice like this

    public class RegistrationExceptionHandler {


    @Order(Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE) // or any int value
    public class UserGapsExceptionHandler {