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React context API- How i can dispatch an action from the useEffect hook?

In this project I'm using React.createContext() methode to manage the state. I can access to the state data by importing the Context.Consumer and using this consumer in the return methode of the class component(or functional component). See thie exemple bellow :

function App(){

                const {basket} = value;
                return <p> { basket.length() } </p>

The problem is i want to dispatch an action from the useEffect hook and not from the component return

this what i want to do :

function App() {

    useEffect(() => {
        auth.onAuthStateChanged(authUser => {
                    dispatch({ //I need to use dispatch methode here!!
                        type : 'SET_USER',
                        payload : authUser
                    dispatch({ //I need to use dispatch methode here!!
                        type : 'SET_USER',
                        payload : null

    }, [])

StateProvider.js :

import React, { Component } from 'react';
const  Context = React.createContext();

// 1. Selector
export const getSubtotal = (basket)=> basket?.reduce((amount,item)=> item.price + amount ,0);

// 2. Reducer
const reducer = (state,action)=>{
        case 'ADD_TO_BASKET' :
                basket : [action.payload, ...state.basket],
        case 'DELETE_FROM_BASKET' :
            const index = state.basket.findIndex(item=> === action.payload)
            let basketCopie = [...state.basket]
                basket : basketCopie
        case 'SET_USER' :
                user : action.payload
        default :
            return state

// 3. Provider Classe
export class Provider extends Component {
    state = {
        basket : [], 
        user : null,
        dispatch : action=> this.setState(state=> reducer(state,action))
    render() {
        return (
            <Context.Provider value={this.state} > {/* the value change after any reducer call*/}

// 4. Consumer
export const Consumer = Context.Consumer;


  • ok I know it's not quite an answer but I found a page that I think will help you a lot

    context api with hooks

    its go with you step by step and it;s help me alot