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Simplest way to edit a collection in DesignMode?

What is the easiest way to edit and persist a collection like decimal[] or List<string> in the WinForms designer?

The first problem is that a parameterless constructor is needed. So I made a simple wrapper class: (at some point this was like MyObject<T>, but the WinForms designercode generator didn't know how to handle it)

public class MyObject
      public MyObject() {}
      public decimal Value {get; set;}

In the container class we define a property and add the CollectionEditor attribute to it:

public class MyContainer
      private List<MyObject> _col = new List<MyObject>();

      [Editor(typeof(CollectionEditor), typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
      public List<MyObject> Collection
           get { return _col; }
           set { _col = value; }

Now I tried all sorts of things based on answers here on stackoverflow and articless on

  • ArrayEditor with decimal[] field
  • Custom TypeConverter for MyObject
  • Custom Collection class for List
  • Read/Write property on the container class
  • Custom Editor with implementation for EditValue
  • Implement IComponent interface for MyObject
  • Tried adding DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Content)

I did get it to work so that

  • The collection is visible in DesignMode
  • The collection is editable in DesignMode
  • New items can be added to the collection in DesignMode

However, by saving, closing and re-opening the form the elements in the collection are never persisted.

Edit: Hans gave me some tips (his comments somehow went into the void). I followed his guidelines and updated the source above, which unfortunately still doesn't work...


  • I recommend that if possible you expose a colletion property that is the same type as one already used in the framework and so you can reuse the existing collection editor. For example, if you use a StringCollection class then you can do the following and reuse the WinForms existing editor...

                 System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
                 PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
        public StringCollection Items
            get { return _myStringCollection; }

    Alternatively if you can expose a string[] then do this...

                System.Design, Version=, Culture=neutral, 
                PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a", typeof(UITypeEditor))]
        public string[] Lines
            get { return _myStringArray; }
            set { myStringArray = value; }