I have a tuple
using MyTuple = std::tuple<Foo1, Foo2, Foo3, ... FooN>;
and want to construct MyTuple like this
MyTuple foo{Foo1{x}, Foo2{x}, Foo3{x}, ... FooN{x}};
is not default constructibleN
is not known at write-time. Thus I cannot hardcode a list like the one above.What I have is
Enum::Tuple<EnumType, EnumTypeTraits> foo;
Which have been constructed from advice from here: Create template pack from set of traits, like so: https://github.com/milasudril/libenum/blob/master/libenum/tuple.hpp.
Do I need to add some ctor to Enum::Tuple
to make it work?
Here is Enum::Tuple
for reference:
namespace detail
template<ContiguousEnum EnumType,
class EnumItemTraits,
class T = std::make_integer_sequence<
Size<EnumType>::value // NOTE: calling distance here triggers ICE in gcc 10.2
struct make_tuple;
template<ContiguousEnum EnumType,
class EnumItemTraits,
std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>... indices>
struct make_tuple<EnumType,
std::integer_sequence<std::underlying_type_t<EnumType>, indices...>>
using type =
std::tuple<typename int_to_type<EnumType, EnumItemTraits, indices>::type...>;
template<ContiguousEnum EnumType, template<EnumType> class EnumItemTraits>
class Tuple: private detail::make_tuple<EnumType, EnumItemTraits>::type
using Base = typename detail::make_tuple<EnumType, EnumItemTraits>::type;
using index_type = EnumType;
template<index_type index>
using traits = EnumItemTraits<index>;
using Base::Base;
static constexpr auto size() { return std::tuple_size_v<Base>; }
template<index_type i>
using tuple_element = std::tuple_element_t<distance(begin(Empty<EnumType>{}), i), Base>;
template<index_type i>
constexpr auto const& get() const
return std::get<distance(begin(Empty<EnumType>{}), i)>(base());
template<index_type i>
constexpr auto& get()
return std::get<distance(begin(Empty<EnumType>{}), i)>(base());
Base const& base() const { return *this; }
Base& base() { return *this; }
As I understand, you want something like:
template <typename... Ts> struct tag{};
template <typename Tuple> struct tag_from_tuple;
template <typename Tuple> using tag_from_tuple_t = typename tag_from_tuple<Tuple>::type;
template <typename... Ts> struct tag_from_tuple<std::tuple<Ts...>>
using type = tag<Ts...>;
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
std::tuple<Ts...> make_tuple_from_impl(const T& t, tag<Ts...>)
return {Ts{t}...};
template <typename Tuple, typename T>
Tuple make_tuple_from(const T& t)
return make_tuple_from_impl(t, tag_from_tuple_t<Tuple>{});