In the character sequence:- $$ \sin \theta $$
I want to replace every $
by a £
(EDIT: I have since learned that the following approach is overkill, please ignore it. I have added an answer that relates some key learning points. But kudos to Mister Jojo for giving the answser to the original question).
I have looked at the answers to this question:- better-way-to-escape-dollar-signs-in-the-string-used-by-string-prot.
I have tried to apply the answer of Leonid:-
var str = ..., reg = ...;
function replaceString(replaceValue) {
return str.replace(reg, function () { return replaceValue });
This is my interpretation:-
var str = "$$ \sin \theta $$";
//var reg = "/\$/g" ;// TIL: reg is a regular expression so doesn't need "".
var reg = /\$/g ; //... I tried varying the number of $ and/or backslashes,` without success so far.
var replaceValue = "£";
var output = replaceString( replaceValue );
function replaceString( replaceValue )
return str.replace ( reg, function () { return replaceValue });
// desired output = "££ \sin \theta ££"
// actual output = "$$ sin \theta $$".
It isn't working.
simply use replaceAll() method
let s1 = "$$ \sin \theta $$"
, s2 = s1.replaceAll('$','£')
console.log ( s2 )