I'm having some trouble with my Discord bot not being about to add reactions to the embed message Its Sending Any Ideas below is the code I have so far
public async Task DisplayPic(string raid, string date)
DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Parse(date);
string day = dateTime.ToString("ddd");
if (raid == "GoS" && day == "Fri")
// Emote emote = ":thumbsup:";
var filename = "Garden_of_Salvation_Friday.png";
var embed = new EmbedBuilder()
Title = "Garden of Salvation",
Description = "Must be Level 1230",
ImageUrl = $"attachment://{filename}"
var myReaction = new Emoji("👍");
await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(filename, embed: embed);
await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(myReaction);
To perform actions on a message which is sent by the bot, you need to assign the message to a variable like so.
IUserMessage sentMessage = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(...);
In your case you want to add a reaction, so you can use the AddReactionAsync method in the same way that you used it on Context.Message in the code you provided.
await sentMessage.AddReactionAsync(...);