I'm using jquery flatpickr. When I used it in the past, I was successful with setting default date. I was also successful with setting default time. Somehow, when I try to combine both they don't work. This is my code:
let date = '8/8/20';
let hour = '22';
let min = '15';
defaultDate: new Date(date),
defaultHour: hour,
defaultMinute: min,
enableTime: true,
dateFormat: 'm/d/Y h:i K',
minuteIncrement: 1
If I comment:
defaultDate: new Date(date)
the time is correctly defaulted.
If I comment:
defaultHour: hour,
defaultMinute: min,
the date is correctly defaulted.
But when I use both together it only defaults the time and not the date.
I would appreciate if someone can look into this. Thank You
I found a solution. Defaulting date to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM format worked for me.
Like this:
enableTime: true,
minuteIncrement: 1,
inline: true,
defaultDate: "2020-11-26 14:30"