I have an a-video
somewhere in my scene. When I click a + button next to it, it triggers an animation to scale it up. It also makes visible a - button in order to scale it back to its original size.
I managed to make the upsizing part without too many issues, but can't find a way to reverse the animation, to make the a-video return to its original scale.
Here is what I have so far (adapted for briefness):
<a-video animation="property: scale; to: 20 20 20; dur: 200; dir: alternate; startEvents: startplay" src="#myvid" id="avideo"></a-video>
<a-image src="#play" onclick="document.getElementById('avideo').emit('startplay')"></a-image>
<a-image src="#pause" onclick="????"></a-image> <!-- is it possible to play the animation rewind here since I specified dir: alternate on #avideo? -->
The upscaling animation works fine, but I can't find how to trigger the rewinding part as described in the comments.
I'm fairly new to AFrame, it's probably something simple, but an answer could help rookies like me.
Thank you
I'd try doing it with a second animation:
Lets say with a setup somewhat similar to yours
<a-sphere animation__play="property: scale; from: 1 1 1; to: 5 5 5; dur: 2000; dir: alternate; startEvents: play-anim; pauseEvents: pauseA-anim; stopEvents: stop-anim; loop: true"
animation__rewind="property: scale; to: 1 1 1; easing: linear; startEvents: rewind-anim"
The animation-manager
will be a custom component containing all the logic:
// custom component declaration
AFRAME.registerComponent("animation-manager", {
// called upon initialization
init: function() {
// manage pressing the play image / button
playBtn.addEventListener("click", e => this.el.emit("play-anim"));
// manage the rewind image / button
rewindBtn.addEventListener("click", e => {
// set the current scale as the "starting point"
this.el.setAttribute("animation__rewind", "from", this.el.getAttribute("scale"))
// pause the current animation
// play the rewind animation
Check it out here.