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Builder Pattern using Inheritance

I have CommonRequestBuilder and SpecificRequestBuilder, that look like this.

public class CommonRequestBuilder 
    protected readonly BigRequest _request;

    public CommonRequestBuilder()
         _request = new BigRequest();

    public CommonRequestBuilder WithExtras()
        // add extra stuff to _request
        return this;

    public BigRequest Build()
        return _request;

public class SpecificRequestBuilder : CommonRequestBuilder
    public SpecificRequestBuilder WithDetails()
        // add some stuff to _request
        return this;

    public BigRequest Build()
        return _request;

The issue with this pattern, is that if I use SpecificRequestBuilder like this:

_specificRequestBuilder.WithExtras().WithDetails(); // WithDetails() is not found

In above code WithDetails() cannot be resolved because I am getting the base class from WithExtras(). I can re-arrange the methods to make it work, but is there a way I can update the classes so that any order works?


  • You'll have to use the new keyword in your SpecificRequestBuilder to have a method with a different return type:

    public class SpecificRequestBuilder : CommonRequestBuilder
        public SpecificRequestBuilder WithDetails()
            // add some stuff to _request
            return this;
        public new SpecificRequestBuilder WithExtras()
            return (SpecificRequestBuilder)base.WithExtras();

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