I'm quite new to Powershell and currently I'm trying to convert some data from JSON I downloaded from Solr.
The JSON file looks like:
"responseHeader": {"status":0, "QTime":2651},
"YX_SERVER.ONE_LOG.2020-11-07_07_49_33": {
"size":"69 bytes"}},
"XY_SERVER.TWO_LOG.2020-11-08_09_52_11": {
"size":"6487 bytes"}},
"ZX_SERVER.THREE_LOG.2020-10-07_07_42_23": {
"size":"6977 bytes"
Below the second status line is the list of the servers with numerous parameters(all names are different), I tried to go deeper into it, but need help with nested data.
I tried the following:
$list = Get-Content C:\Users\User\Download\cores.json - Raw |convertfrom-json |select-object -ExpandProperty status
Then $list shows me the list of servers and the data needed is in the right column but I cannot access it directly. How can I build the table and calculate the sum just like follows:
Name Size(inbytes)
YX_SERVER.ONE_LOG.2020-11-07_07_49_33 69
XY_SERVER.TWO_LOG.2020-11-08_09_52_11 6487
ZX_SERVER.THREE_LOG.2020-10-07_07_42_23 6977
Summary Total size
$Content = Get-Content .\cores.json
$Data = $Content | ConvertFrom-Json
$Status = $Data.status
$Table = $Status.PSObject.Properties.Value | Foreach-Object {
name = $_.name
sizeInBytes = $_.index.sizeInBytes
name = 'Total Size:'
sizeInBytes = ($Table.sizeInBytes | Measure-Object -Sum).Sum
name sizeInBytes
---- -----------
SERVER.THREE_LOG.2020-10-07_07_42_23 6977
XY_SERVER.TWO_LOG.2020-11-08_09_52_11 6487
SERVER.ONE_LOG.2020-11-07_07_49_33 69
Total Size: 13533