Need help on below scenario:
I have below pojo class and when i make post call using restassured i dont want to set each field in my java class.To acheive these want to maintain one createissue.json file. when making post call, i want to read each field from createissue.json file.
Below is my pojo class
public class CreateIssuepayload {
private String summary;
private String description;
private IssueType issuetype;
private Project project;
public CreateIssuepayload(Project project, IssueType issuetype,String description, String summary) {
this.summary = summary;
this.description = description;
this.issuetype = issuetype;
this.project = project;
public CreateIssuepayload(Project project,IssueType issuetype,String description) {
this.description = description;
this.issuetype = issuetype;
this.project = project;
public String getSummary() {
return summary;
public void setSummary(String summary) {
this.summary = summary;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public IssueType getIssuetype() {
return issuetype;
public void setIssuetype(IssueType issuetype) {
this.issuetype = issuetype;
public Project getProject() {
return project;
public void setProject(Project project) {
this.project = project;
My createissue.json file
"summary":"Please look into issue",
"description":"Unable to create my JIRA ticket 3",
And my testcase to make post request
@Test(enabled = false)
public static void test1() throws JsonProcessingException {
IssueType issuetype = new IssueType("**Bug**");
Project project = new Project("**BP**");
CreateIssuepayload mypojo = new CreateIssuepayload(project, issuetype, "**Unable to create my JIRA ticket 3**",
"**Please look into issue.....**");
Fields f = new Fields(mypojo);
RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost:8080";
Response res = given().header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + Basic.sessionGen() + "").body(f).expect()
Here i dont want to set my testdata like Bug,BP etc from my testcase in java class.I want to read it dynamically from json file
Note: I also dont want to post the whole json file as my body.
Any help is Appriciated. Thankyou.
You can use json-simple library in Java to read the json file. Maven repository
Then retrieve values as Strings and create the CreateIssuepayload
object and Fields
@Test(enabled = false)
public static void test1() throws JsonProcessingException {
// Read the json file
org.json.simple.JSONObject jsonObject = new org.json.simple.JSONObject();
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
try {
Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader("createissue.json"));
jsonObject = (org.json.simple.JSONObject) obj;
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ParseException e) {
JSONObject fieldsObject = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("fields");
JSONObject issueTypeObject = (JSONObject) fieldsObject.get("issuetype");
JSONObject projectObject = (JSONObject) fieldsObject.get("project");
IssueType issueType = new IssueType(issueTypeObject.get("name").toString());
Project project = new Project(projectObject.get("key").toString());
String summary = fieldsObject.get("summary").toString();
String description = fieldsObject.get("description").toString();
CreateIssuepayload mypojo = new CreateIssuepayload(project, issuetype, description, summary);
Fields f = new Fields(mypojo);
RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost:8080";
Response res =
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + Basic.sessionGen() + "").body(f).expect()
If you change the json file as follows, you can get this done easily using Gson
"summary": "Please look into issue",
"description": "Unable to create my JIRA ticket 3",
"issuetype": {
"name": "Bug"
"project": {
"key": "BP"
And you don't need to add the @JsonProperty()
annotations as well.
Then use Gson
to de-serialize the json object to Java object
@Test(enabled = false)
public static void test1() throws JsonProcessingException {
Gson gson = new Gson();
CreateIssuepayload mypojo = null;
try {
BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("createissue.json"));
mypojo = gson.fromJson(bf, CreateIssuepayload.class);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
RestAssured.baseURI = "http://localhost:8080";
Response res = given()
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + Basic.sessionGen() + "")