I am using CCParticleSystemQuad to create a particle effect in Cocos2d. Now I would like to test each particle for collisions with a CCRect. How do I get the postions of each particle in the particle engine so I can do this?
Any help or examples would be appreciated. I've looked for hours on the net expecting to find tutorials on this. I am surprised I can't find much as I would expect collisions with particles to be essential; Perhaps I wasn't looking in the right place :)
Create a subclass of CCParticleSystemQuad and override update: method or updateQuadWithParticle:newPosition: method.
@interface MyParticleSystem : CCParticleSystemQuad
@implementation MyParticleSystem
- (void)updateQuadWithParticle:(tCCParticle*)particle newPosition:(CGPoint)pos
/* use pos */
[super updateQuadWithParticle:particle newPosition:pos];
You can set any data (position, color, or so on) to the particles as the following.
@interface MyParticleSystem : CCParticleSystemQuad
@implementation MyParticleSystem
- (void)update:(ccTime)dt
/* implement as cocos2d/CCParticleSystem.m -update: */