I am using XR class from Unity and trying to add all button inputs to m_SelectUsage
. But unfortunately it does not take an array of values. Here in the picture as you can see, only one button can be used "Grip". Is there a way to add all the button inputs to this class?
using UnityEngine.SpatialTracking;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.XR.Interaction;
namespace UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit
/// <summary>
/// <see cref="XRBaseController"/> <see cref="MonoBehaviour"/> that interprets
/// feature values on an input device in the XR input subsystem into
/// XR Interaction Interactor position, rotation, and interaction states.
/// </summary>
[AddComponentMenu("XR/XR Controller (Device-based)")]
public class XRController : XRBaseController
[Tooltip("The XRNode for this controller.")]
XRNode m_ControllerNode = XRNode.RightHand;
/// <summary>
/// The <see cref="XRNode"/> for this controller.
/// </summary>
public XRNode controllerNode
get => m_ControllerNode;
set => m_ControllerNode = value;
[Tooltip("The input to use for detecting a select.")]
InputHelpers.Button m_SelectUsage = InputHelpers.Button.Grip;
/// <summary>
/// The input to use for detecting a select.
/// </summary>
public InputHelpers.Button selectUsage
get => m_SelectUsage;
set => m_SelectUsage = value;
[Tooltip("The input to use for detecting activation.")]
InputHelpers.Button m_ActivateUsage = InputHelpers.Button.Trigger;
/// <summary>
/// The input to use for detecting activation.
/// </summary>
public InputHelpers.Button activateUsage
get => m_ActivateUsage;
set => m_ActivateUsage = value;
[Tooltip("The input to use for detecting a UI press.")]
InputHelpers.Button m_UIPressUsage = InputHelpers.Button.Trigger;
/// <summary>
/// The input to use for detecting a UI press.
/// </summary>
public InputHelpers.Button uiPressUsage
get => m_UIPressUsage;
set => m_UIPressUsage = value;
[Tooltip("The amount an axis needs to be pressed to trigger an interaction event.")]
float m_AxisToPressThreshold = 0.1f;
/// <summary>
/// The amount an axis needs to be pressed to trigger an interaction event.
/// </summary>
public float axisToPressThreshold
get => m_AxisToPressThreshold;
set => m_AxisToPressThreshold = value;
[Tooltip("The input to use to rotate an anchor to the Left.")]
InputHelpers.Button m_RotateAnchorLeft = InputHelpers.Button.PrimaryAxis2DLeft;
/// <summary>
/// The input to use to rotate an anchor to the Left.
/// </summary>
public InputHelpers.Button rotateObjectLeft
get => m_RotateAnchorLeft;
set => m_RotateAnchorLeft = value;
[Tooltip("The input to use to rotate an anchor to the Right.")]
InputHelpers.Button m_RotateAnchorRight = InputHelpers.Button.PrimaryAxis2DRight;
/// <summary>
/// The input to use to rotate an anchor to the Right.
/// </summary>
public InputHelpers.Button rotateObjectRight
get => m_RotateAnchorRight;
set => m_RotateAnchorRight = value;
[Tooltip("The input that will be used to translate the anchor away from the interactor.")]
InputHelpers.Button m_MoveObjectIn = InputHelpers.Button.PrimaryAxis2DUp;
/// <summary>
/// The input that will be used to translate the anchor away from the interactor.
/// </summary>
public InputHelpers.Button moveObjectIn
get => m_MoveObjectIn;
set => m_MoveObjectIn = value;
[Tooltip("The input that will be used to translate the anchor towards the interactor.")]
InputHelpers.Button m_MoveObjectOut = InputHelpers.Button.PrimaryAxis2DDown;
/// <summary>
/// The input that will be used to translate the anchor towards the interactor.
/// </summary>
public InputHelpers.Button moveObjectOut
get => m_MoveObjectOut;
set => m_MoveObjectOut = value;
[SerializeField, Tooltip("Pose provider used to provide tracking data separate from the XR Node.")]
BasePoseProvider m_PoseProvider;
/// <summary>
/// Pose provider used to provide tracking data separate from the <see cref="XRNode"/>.
/// </summary>
public BasePoseProvider poseProvider
get => m_PoseProvider;
set => m_PoseProvider = value;
InputDevice m_InputDevice;
/// <summary>
/// (Read Only) The <see cref="InputDevice"/> being used to read data from.
/// </summary>
public InputDevice inputDevice => m_InputDevice.isValid ? m_InputDevice : m_InputDevice = InputDevices.GetDeviceAtXRNode(controllerNode);
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override void UpdateTrackingInput(XRControllerState controllerState)
controllerState.poseDataFlags = PoseDataFlags.NoData;
if (m_PoseProvider != null)
if (m_PoseProvider.TryGetPoseFromProvider(out var poseProviderPose))
controllerState.position = poseProviderPose.position;
controllerState.rotation = poseProviderPose.rotation;
controllerState.poseDataFlags = PoseDataFlags.Position | PoseDataFlags.Rotation;
if (m_PoseProvider != null)
var retFlags = m_PoseProvider.GetPoseFromProvider(out var poseProviderPose);
if ((retFlags & PoseDataFlags.Position) != 0)
controllerState.position = poseProviderPose.position;
controllerState.poseDataFlags |= PoseDataFlags.Position;
if ((retFlags & PoseDataFlags.Rotation) != 0)
controllerState.rotation = poseProviderPose.rotation;
controllerState.poseDataFlags |= PoseDataFlags.Rotation;
if (inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.devicePosition, out controllerState.position))
controllerState.poseDataFlags |= PoseDataFlags.Position;
if (inputDevice.TryGetFeatureValue(CommonUsages.deviceRotation, out controllerState.rotation))
controllerState.poseDataFlags |= PoseDataFlags.Rotation;
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override void UpdateInput(XRControllerState controllerState)
HandleInteractionAction(m_SelectUsage, ref controllerState.selectInteractionState);
HandleInteractionAction(m_ActivateUsage, ref controllerState.activateInteractionState);
HandleInteractionAction(m_UIPressUsage, ref controllerState.uiPressInteractionState);
void HandleInteractionAction(InputHelpers.Button button, ref InteractionState interactionState)
inputDevice.IsPressed(button, out var pressed, m_AxisToPressThreshold);
if (pressed)
if (!interactionState.active)
interactionState.activatedThisFrame = true;
interactionState.active = true;
if (interactionState.active)
interactionState.deactivatedThisFrame = true;
interactionState.active = false;
/// <inheritdoc />
public override bool SendHapticImpulse(float amplitude, float duration)
if (inputDevice.TryGetHapticCapabilities(out var capabilities) &&
return inputDevice.SendHapticImpulse(0u, amplitude, duration);
return false;
You can overwrite XRController to accept an array for each of the input values.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit;
public class MyXRController : XRController
InputHelpers.Button[] m_SelectUsageArray;
protected override void UpdateInput(XRControllerState controllerState)
// Because we use base input m_SelectUsage will still be accepted if provided
// Iterate over all buttons
foreach (var selectUsage in m_SelectUsageArray)
HandleInteractionAction(selectUsage, ref controllerState.selectInteractionState);
You can overwrite other interactions in a similar manner.
Then in your GameObject, use MyXRController
instead of XRController