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Create a new process in Java, exit the current process

In my code, I want to restart the program. For this i have used the following code in Windows:

    //For Windows Builds use this
    new ProcessBuilder("java", "Launcher").inheritIO().start();

For Linux Builds I used

    //For Linux/Unix or Mac Builds use this
    new ProcessBuilder("/bin/bash", "-c" ,"java Launcher").inheritIO().start();

So now, the implementation for Windows works just fine. It begins a new instance and exits the old. But the Linux implementation is kinda a bit odd. I added System.exit(0); thinking that it will kill the current process right after creating the new one, but it seemed to exit the process itself. I cannot restart the program in anyway in Linux, although it was doable in Windows.

Would appreciate help and feedback!

EDIT: [28-July-2020]

So I did find that the new process is created, but the IO is not inherited to the new session. I tweaked a bit of code and now the program creates the new process, gets IO control and after entering a command, it exits.

    //For Windows Builds use this
    new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c", "java Launcher").inheritIO().start();
    //For Linux/Unix or Mac Builds use this
    long pid = ProcessHandle.current().pid();
    String a=String.valueOf(pid);
    System.out.println(new ProcessBuilder("/bin/bash", "-c", "java Launcher").inheritIO().start());

Without System.exit(1); the program continues with the newly created process, but with the old process still running in the background. When I try to kill the old process, both the processes are killed.

Here are the new screenshots, with the code specified above.

EDIT: [29-July-2020]

Been working more on why the code is not working. I did get an exception for the same code, which WSL didnt detect!

The Error Log


  • Update: I did find the right answer and it might be a bit complex, but I shall try to make it as simple as possible.

    In this, we will require 2 separate classes: 1 class to monitor the child process, 1 class which is the main process.

    For the sake of simplicity, I shall name the monitoring class as SessionManager and the main class as mainClass

    In the SessionManager class, I've implemented the following code.

        //A loop which will run infinitely to montior and start new processes
            //Create the process and listen to the exit code generated by the child process spawned.
            ProcessBuilder session_monitor=new ProcessBuilder("java", "<classname>");
            Process process_monitor= session_monitor.inheritIO().start();
            //wait for the child process to end before proceeding
                //Implement the logic here
                case 0: //do something
                case 1: //do something
    catch(Exception E)

    And in the mainClass program, we shall have a main method to start the process running.

    class mainClass
        public static void main(String[] args)
            System.out.println("Hello World");
            //exit the process with a code for the SessionManager's logic to work
            System.exit(0);          //Using a normal exit code here

    This has worked for me, and if you think this implementation can be improved, I'd love to hear it. Thank you for all your support :)