I want to change workflow status based on jenkins build with project name and status. can anyone please help me out on this. I am able to do as below: with story-id
def transitionInput = [transition: [id: '41']]
jiraTransitionIssue idOrKey: 'MSDP-198', input: transitionInput, site: 'JIRA'
but I need to list story id based on project name and status
success { script {
def searchResults = jiraJqlSearch jql: "PROJECT = 'MSDP' and status = 'READY FOR STAGING DEPLOYMENT' and type = 'Story'", site: 'JIRA'
def issues = searchResults.data.issues
for (i = 0; i <issues.size(); i++) {
def result = jiraGetIssue idOrKey: issues[i].key, site: 'JIRA'
def transitionInput = [transition: [id: '41']]
def statuses = jiraGetProjectStatuses idOrKey: 'MSDP', site: 'JIRA'
responce = jiraTransitionIssue idOrKey: issues[i].key, input: transitionInput, site: 'JIRA'
} }