I have been working with robot framework on a page written in java/java script. I am trying to scroll to a locator to be optically visible on the page to be able to verify its text value. I did follow this QA based on my question and found a solution, however it pops me an exception.
Unable to scroll down the web page using the Robot Framework
My locator to scroll to on the page:
${CLAIMS} xpath=//*[@id="generalAndIncidents:relatedAlertsPanel:idPreviousClaimsList"]
My keyword to do the scrolling (it has one argument for a locator variable to be loaded):
Scroll To Element
[Arguments] ${scroll_to_element}
Sleep 1s
Execute JavaScript window.document.evaluate("${scroll_to_element}", document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue.scrollIntoView(true);
Sleep 1s
And when running, I receive the following exception:
20:36:17.376 INFO Executing JavaScript:
window.document.evaluate("xpath=//*[@id="generalAndIncidents:relatedAlertsPanel:idPreviousClaimsList"]", document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue.scrollIntoView(true);
Without any arguments.
20:36:17.758 FAIL JavascriptException: Message: javascript error: missing ) after argument list
(Session info: MicrosoftEdge=86.0.622.69)
I also have checked this page for the "how-to" on this java script code snippet:
Could you kindly suggest me where to start debugging? What am I doing wrong here? Is this happening because I am missing any escapes?
Thank you very much!
Update#1: Could this be something to do with the namespace resolver?
Scroll To Element
[Arguments] ${scroll_to_element}
${x} = Get Horizontal Position ${scroll_to_element}
${y} = Get Vertical Position ${scroll_to_element}
Execute Javascript window.scrollTo(${x}, ${y})
Scroll Loop Click
[Arguments] ${locator}
FOR ${index} IN RANGE 1 10
Sleep 0.5s
${isElementVisible} = Run Keyword and Return Status Click Element ${locator}
Run Keyword If '${isElementVisible}'!='True' Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 6s 2s Scroll To Element ${locator}
Log ${isElementVisible}
Exit For Loop If '${isElementVisible}'=='True'
Wait Until Element is Visible ${locator}
Can you try the below code,which is currently working for me. Way back got this solution from Stackoverflow.
Scroll To Element
[Arguments] ${locator}
${x}= Get Horizontal Position ${locator}
${y}= Get Vertical Position ${locator}
Execute Javascript window.scrollTo(${x}, ${y})