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Which Version Type to choose when Reverting Back/Forth in Code Versions? +TFS VS2010

My one and only coworker left a couple weeks ago, and I now have to Merge everything together creating a baseline work environment for my new developer and I. My previous coworker had done most of the management related to our Team Foundation Server.

My current structure consists of 4 Branches and a Bugs Branch. Branch A, and Branch B were our separate Development Branches, which were branched off of a Central Dev Branch (Branch C). The Central Dev Branch (Branch C) was derived from the Main Branch (Branch D). The Bugs branch shouldn't affect my problem so it shall remain unnamed.

I made some mistakes a while ago when trying to Merge everything together so therefore I've reverted to working versions of Branch A, Branch B, and Branch C.

Now that I've gotten working versions of Branch A, B and C I want to begin merging Branch A/B into C. I figure since I'm technically not working with the newest code, and since I've reverted back to older versions that I may have to change the "Version Type" to something other than "Latest Version".

Version Type

Should I be changing the Version type, or should I leave it as Latest Version and be on my way with Merging?


  • If A and B are development branches (by that I mean a branch where new code / features is added separately to the main development) created off C and they have reached the end of their life then they need to be re-integrated back into C. Merging the latest version of A or B into C is the right thing to do.