Without any introduction to generics, I will post my question straight away. Why is this correct:
static<T extends Object> void m1(List<T> list){
//some code
And this is not (doesn't compile):
static void m2 (List<T extends Object> list){
//some code
Remember that we could use wildcards in the same approach, which would compile just fine:
static void m2 (List<? extends Object> list){
//some code
To sum up, why can we use wildcards declaration in parameters, while using type parameter we must declare it before return type?
There are two main points.
First off, as @akuzminykh said in the comments to the question, the ?
wildcard is basically just a way to tell the compiler "I don't know what this is gonna be, just assume it could be anything that derives from this class/interface, kthxbye". It doesn't declare any parameter that you could make use of within the method, no identifier you can call upon, nothing. However, type parameters do exactly that, and if you declare a new one, it's a different story than just "calling" the wildcard which you don't have to declare.
Secondly, think of how you would declare a type parameter for a generic class. Do you think this would be enough?
public class Foo {
public T extends CharSequence getBar() {...}
public class Foo {
public <T extends CharSequence> getBar() {...}
No, none of these two options would work. In order to use a generic type parameter within a class, you have to declare it along with the type itself, not along with the methods/fields that use them. Like this:
public class Foo<T extends CharSequence> {
public T getBar() {...}
And in order to use a generic type parameter within a method, you have to declare it along with the method itself or the type that contains the method, not along with the method parameters that use them.