I am running the following code which works fine, but I cannot find any solutions to simplify it. Have tried to rearrange the syntax in many different ways to shorten the code to two lines but they don't seem to work, can anyone advise on how to simplify this code:
'export results to columns
Worksheets(analysis_sheet & " Analysis").Columns(9).Copy Columns(9 + (5 * (i - 6)))
Worksheets(analysis_sheet & " Analysis").Columns(10).Copy Columns(10 + (5 * (i - 6)))
Worksheets(analysis_sheet & " Analysis").Columns(11).Copy Columns(11 + (5 * (i - 6)))
Worksheets(analysis_sheet & " Analysis").Columns(12).Copy Columns(12 + (5 * (i - 6)))
...different ways to shorten the code to two lines...
Here is a 1 liner which will copy from Worksheets(analysis_sheet & " Analysis")
to ActiveSheet
Worksheets(analysis_sheet & " Analysis").Columns("I:L").Copy Columns(9 + (5 * (i - 6)))
If you are copying to the same sheet then change the above code to
Worksheets(analysis_sheet & " Analysis").Columns("I:L").Copy _
Worksheets(analysis_sheet & " Analysis").Columns(9 + (5 * (i - 6)))
That won't work because the OP is copying from columns 9 to 12 – freeflow 16 mins ago
No. In the term Columns(9/10/11/12 +(5*(i-6))) how does excel know how to update the 9 to 10,11,12 – freeflow 11 mins ago
Let's say the value of i
is 10
so 9 + (5 * (i - 6)) = 29
. Agreed? So Col I (9)
will be pasted in Col AC (29)
. Similarly Col J (10)
will be posted in Col AD (30)
as 10 + (5 * (10 - 6)) = 30
and so on...
These two pieces of the code will so the same thing
Sub SampleA()
Dim i As Long
i = 10
Sheet1.Columns(9).Copy Columns(9 + (5 * (i - 6)))
Sheet1.Columns(10).Copy Columns(10 + (5 * (i - 6)))
Sheet1.Columns(11).Copy Columns(11 + (5 * (i - 6)))
Sheet1.Columns(12).Copy Columns(12 + (5 * (i - 6)))
End Sub
Sub SampleB()
Dim i As Long
i = 10
Sheet1.Columns("I:L").Copy Sheet1.Columns(9 + (5 * (i - 6)))
End Sub