In the project, the program reads JSON Document (using rapidjson) and then takes a part of that JSON document and tries to create new JSON Value. Following code is used for that
# jsonstring is the JSON string
rapidjson::Document firstJSON = readJsonString(jsonstring);
# val is the Value which is a small part of firstJSON document
rapidjson::Value &val = firstJSON["A"]["B"];
jsonstring is a follows
"R": "stringval"
so value of Val should be
but it is giving me this output: Val
So clearly when trying to read a part of json from Document and reading it in rapidjson::Value, it is just taking single decimal value.
Can anyone please tell me how to read from rapidjson::Document and make rapidjson::Value with Double precision of values ?
Things have tried.
reading from rapidjson::Document to rapidjson::Value
Thank you so much !!
Converted OP's comment to an answer:
The precision was set at 1, that's the reason you are getting this output. So set the precision to 18 and this issue should be solved.