How i can get title or body from the following json response?
"message": "All Books",
"data": {
"current_page": 1,
"data": [
"id": 2,
"title": "The Quran",
"slug": "the-quran",
"body": "The Holy Quran",
"book": "/storage/books/1602685137.pdf",
"cover": "/storage/covers/1602685137.jpg",
"os": "both",
"price_ios": 0,
"price_android": 0,
"created_at": "2020-10-14T14:18:57.000000Z",
"updated_at": "2020-10-14T14:18:57.000000Z"
"first_page_url": "https://book.test/api/v1/books?page=1",
"from": 1,
"last_page": 1,
"last_page_url": "https://book.test/api/v1/books?page=1",
"links": [
"url": null,
"label": "Previous",
"active": false
"url": "https://book.test/api/v1/books?page=1",
"label": 1,
"active": true
"url": null,
"label": "Next",
"active": false
"next_page_url": null,
"path": "https://book.test/api/v1/books",
"per_page": 15,
"prev_page_url": null,
"to": 1,
"total": 1
Assuming your JSON is assigned to a variable called response
you can access the body with:
let body =[0].body
And the title with
let title =[0].title
In case you want to loop over the data array in order to get a value for all entries (e.g. title), try this:
let titles = => console.log(entry.title));