It is a Spring boot Java application using Maven. I am using Intelij for developement.
I am availing $300 as I got by default from GCP and using it.
For a flexible environment, the app.yaml configuration is
runtime: java
env: flex
Error as below: The requested amount of instances has exceeded GCE's default quota
[INFO] GCLOUD: ERROR: ( Error Response: [8] Flex operation projects/dqnews/regions/asia-south1/operations/c9221a49-6939-4778-88a8-01f73f444cce error [RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED]: An internal error occurred while processing task /app-engine-flex/insert_flex_deployment/flex_create_resources>2020-11-23T13:30:57.284Z11582.fw.0: The requested amount of instances has exceeded GCE's default quota. Please see for more information on GCE resources
When I using a Standard enviorment
runtime: java
env: standard
The Error showing as below
Java 6 applications are prevented from being deployed to Google App Engine from any version of the SDK, including older ones. If you need to continue to deploy Java 6 applications for compatibility reasons, you can request that your application be whitelisted for Java 6 deployment by visiting
Here is the links for Quotas:free quotes
It would be great to get help in detail.
In GAE there are two possible Java versions:
In your app.yaml you can set:
service: demo
runtime: java11
instance_class: F1
And then in your app.yaml path:
gcloud init
gcloud components install app-engine-java