I am creating a landing page and I have a simple error, but I cannot find the cause in my code. For me, the component is absolutely logical and the same structure as any other.
I am currently getting the following error based on this component:
Module Error (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js):
232:1 error Parsing error: 'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level
230 | };
231 |
> 232 | export default Content;
| ^
233 |
✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
My code:
import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { Container, Row, Col } from "react-bootstrap";
import GlobalContext from "../../context/GlobalContext";
import imgC from "../../assets/image/l2/jpg/l2-content2-img.jpg";
const Content = () => {
const gContext = useContext(GlobalContext);
const Pricing1 = () => {
const [isMonthly, setIsMonthly] = useState(false);
return (
{/* <!-- Content Area --> */}
<div className="content-section2 pt-12 pb-9 pt-lg-21 pb-lg-25 bg-default-2">
<Row className="justify-content-center">
<Col xl="6" lg="8" sm="10">
<div className="section-title text-center mb-12 mb-lg-17">
<h2 className="title gr-text-4 mb-7">
Pricing & Plans
<p className="gr-text-8 px-lg-7 px-xl-0">
With lots of unique blocks, you can easily build a page
without coding. Build your next landing page.
<div className="text-center pt-9">
className="mb-13 d-inline-flex position-relative"
<span className="period month gr-text-8 gr-text-color ">
className={`btn-toggle mx-3 price-deck-trigger ${
isMonthly ? "" : "active"
onClick={(e) => {
<span className="round"></span>
<span className="period year gr-text-8 gr-text-color">
<span className="badge gr-badge text-primary gr-text-12 gr-bg-blue-opacity-1 rounded-pill ml-5 text-uppercase">
Save 25%
<Row className="justify-content-center">
<Col lg="4" md="6" sm="10" className="mb-9">
<div className="pricing-card bg-white gr-hover-shadow-1 border text-left pt-9 pb-9 pr-9 pr-xl-13 pl-9 pl-xl-13 bg-white rounded-10">
<div className="price-content">
<span className="small-title gr-text-12 text-primary font-weight-bold text-uppercase">
<div className="d-flex align-items-end mt-11 ">
<span className="currency mr-2 gr-text-6 font-weight-bold line-spacing-none text-blackish-blue">
<h2 className="price-value gr-text-2 font-weight-bold line-spacing-none mb-0 text-blackish-blue">
{isMonthly ? "49" : "19"}
<span className="d-none">.</span>
<span className="per gr-text-9 text-blackish-blue">
<span className="price-bottom-text gr-text-11 mt-5 text-blackish-blue gr-opacity-7 d-inline-flex">
{isMonthly ? "billed monthly" : "billed yearly"}
<ul className="card-list list-style-check pl-0 mt-7 mt-lg-11">
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>Commercial
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>100+ HTML UI
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>Unlimited
Domain Support
<li className="disabled gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-simple-remove"></i>6 months
premium support
<li className="disabled gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-simple-remove"></i>Lifetime
<Button className="with-icon gr-hover-y px-xl-8 px-lg-4 px-sm-8 px-4">
Start Free Trial
<i className="icon icon-tail-right font-weight-bold"></i>
<span className="btn-bottom-text d-block gr-text-11 text-blackish-blue gr-opacity-7 mt-5">
No credit card required
<Col lg="4" md="6" sm="10" className="mb-9">
<div className="pricing-card bg-white gr-hover-shadow-1 border text-left pt-9 pb-9 pr-9 pr-xl-13 pl-9 pl-xl-13 bg-white rounded-10">
<div className="price-content">
<span className="small-title gr-text-12 text-primary font-weight-bold text-uppercase">
<div className="d-flex align-items-end mt-11 ">
<span className="currency mr-2 gr-text-6 font-weight-bold line-spacing-none text-blackish-blue">
<h2 className="price-value gr-text-2 font-weight-bold line-spacing-none mb-0 text-blackish-blue">
{isMonthly ? "99" : "49"}
<span className="d-none">.</span>
<span className="per gr-text-9 text-blackish-blue">
<span className="price-bottom-text gr-text-11 mt-5 text-blackish-blue gr-opacity-7 d-inline-flex">
{" "}
{isMonthly ? "billed monthly" : "billed yearly"}
<ul className="card-list list-style-check pl-0 mt-7 mt-lg-11">
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>Commercial
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>100+ HTML UI
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>Unlimited
Domain Support
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>6 months
premium support
<li className="disabled gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-simple-remove"></i>Lifetime
<Button className="with-icon gr-hover-y px-xl-8 px-lg-4 px-sm-8 px-4">
Start Free Trial
<i className="icon icon-tail-right font-weight-bold"></i>
<span className="btn-bottom-text d-block gr-text-11 text-blackish-blue gr-opacity-7 mt-5">
No credit card required
<Col lg="4" md="6" sm="10" className="mb-9">
<div className="pricing-card bg-white gr-hover-shadow-1 border text-left pt-9 pb-9 pr-9 pr-xl-13 pl-9 pl-xl-13 bg-white rounded-10">
<div className="price-content">
<span className="small-title gr-text-12 text-primary font-weight-bold text-uppercase">
<div className="d-flex align-items-end mt-11">
<span className="currency mr-2 gr-text-6 font-weight-bold line-spacing-none text-blackish-blue">
<h2 className="price-value gr-text-2 font-weight-bold line-spacing-none mb-0 text-blackish-blue">
{isMonthly ? "129" : "99"}
<span className="d-none">.</span>
<span className="per gr-text-9 text-blackish-blue">
<span className="price-bottom-text gr-text-11 mt-5 text-blackish-blue gr-opacity-7 d-inline-flex">
{" "}
{isMonthly ? "billed monthly" : "billed yearly"}
<ul className="card-list list-style-check pl-0 mt-7 mt-lg-11">
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>Commercial
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>100+ HTML UI
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>Unlimited
Domain Support
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>6 months
premium support
<li className="gr-text-9">
<i className="icon icon-check-simple"></i>Lifetime
<Button className="with-icon gr-hover-y px-xl-8 px-lg-4 px-sm-8 px-4">
Start Free Trial
<i className="icon icon-tail-right font-weight-bold"></i>
<span className="btn-bottom-text d-block gr-text-11 text-blackish-blue gr-opacity-7 mt-5">
No credit card required
export default Content;
Probably it will be some simple syntax error or similar. I hope someone has an idea or finds the mistake.
You're missing } at the end. Should be:
const Content = () => {
const gContext = useContext(GlobalContext);
const Pricing1 = () => {
const [isMonthly, setIsMonthly] = useState(false);
return (
export default Content;