Issue description
I am exporting a table containing strings, numeric values, percentages and currencies to a csv
or xlsx
file for example:
CH0038863350,nominatives Nestlé SA,1,CHF 848.48,SHARE,6.72%
US0378331005,Stammaktien Apple Inc. 2,USD 118.64,SHARE,-55.13%
The issue that I have with the import in excel is, that it recognizes and formats some values as Currency
and other values are just in the General
I would like to format the values in such a way, that I can reuse them for further calculation. The currency values are in the ISO_4217 format.
After some reasearch I have found out, that this is not so easy to do, because excel uses currency symbols ($,£,€, etc.)
Do I have to convert my data to a specific format in order to work? Can I setup a custom format for my cell values that will support the desired format and then can still be used as a number for further calculation?
A simple workaround would be to export the numbers and the currency into two columns.
What would you suggest?
EDIT: The point was, that I wanted the format to be in one cell not in two (split of currency and value). The latter is fairly simple.
Click on the "Data Ribbon" and select "From Text/CSV". Choose your file and select "comma" as delimiter.
Next choose "transform data", highlight the column with the currency values, and choose "split column by delimiter".
Click "Close and load".
Finally, if you don't want your table to stay connected to the csv-file, right-click on the query which was created and choose "delete"
There might be simpler ways to do this as well, but I think this should work for you.