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Google Web Toolkit auto refresh grid

I implementing an application that has a grid in it and everytime someone changes something on this grid it automaticaly updates the grid for others who has the grid opened (something like what the google docs does).

I tried implementing this using gwt-rpc sending a request every 2 seconds and if there is something new the application just send what has changed. But I had some bad results when uploaded to the GAE server.

So I decided to analyze the google docs implementation and a saw that it keeps a open connection for almost one minute and send some new information everytime someones changes something. I would like to know if it's possible to do something like this on GWT. I'm trying to do it now using the request factory but I think I'll face the same problems.

Any ideas?


  • Since you use GAE you might want to look at Channel API.

    There is also gwt-gae-channel, which is a GWT wrapper around Channel API's javascript client.