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How to combine data returned by a resolver into a combineLatest call?

I have a resolver on a page to load the data. This resolver returns an Observable<Product[]>

Then I combine the stream from the resolver with another stream using combineLatest.

But the problem is when I combine the streams, I get an error that says my streams are used before being initialized. I tried to put the combineLatest into a function and call it after I got the data from the resolver. I then have an error message "filter is not a function" on the products.filter call in the combineLatest.

categorySelectedSubject = new Subject<number>();
categorySelectedAction$ = this.categorySelectedSubject.asObservable();

ngOnInit(): void {
  this.productsWithCategoriesResolved$ =["resolvedData"]

this.filteredByCategoryProducts$ = combineLatest([
      map(([products, selectedCategoryId]) =>
        products.filter(p => selectedCategoryId ? p.categoryId === selectedCategoryId : true)
      catchError(err => {
        this.errorMessage = err;
        return EMPTY;

 onCategorySelected(categoryId: string){

Thanks a lot for any help or suggestions.


  • combineLatest operator requires all observables, and when all observerables emit value at least one then it calls subscribe. Over here you have["resolvedData"] holding collection of products (Product[]).

    You have to convert filteredByCategoryProducts$ to hold an Observable of Product[] just by adding of operator to convert stream.

    import { combineLatest, of } from 'rxjs';
    this.filteredByCategoryProducts$ = of(["resolvedData"]);