I never did anything in Coding but this game i play refreshes every 3 min when inactive (spectating) i want to stop this or edit its script. It also refreshes when opening the DevTools in Chrome.
it script is external
<script src="assets/js/new_main_out1.js?461"></script>
window.lastDeath = Date.now()
window.playing = false
window.interval = setInterval(function() {
if (!window.playing) {
if ((Date.now() - window.lastDeath) > 3*60*1000) {
document.location.href = "https://game.com/landing/"
}, 10*1000)
You could continually reset window.lastDeath
to within the last minute:
setInterval(() => {
window.lastDeath = Date.now();
}, 60000);
You could also monkeypatch window.setInterval
to detect if the page's function is passed, and if it is, ignore it (and start the interval normally otherwise).