I want to run multiple snakefiles called qc.smk
, dada2.smk
, picrust2.smk
using singularity. Then there is one snakefile called longitudinal.smk
I would like to run conditionally. For example, if longitudinal data is
being used.
# set vars
LONGITUDINAL = config['perform_longitudinal']
rule all:
# fastqc output before trimming
raw_html = expand("{scratch}/fastqc/{sample}_{num}_fastqc.html", scratch = SCRATCH, sample=SAMPLE_SET, num=SET_NUMS),
raw_zip = expand("{scratch}/fastqc/{sample}_{num}_fastqc.zip", scratch = SCRATCH, sample=SAMPLE_SET, num=SET_NUMS),
raw_multi_html = SCRATCH + "/fastqc/raw_multiqc.html",
raw_multi_stats = SCRATCH + "/fastqc/raw_multiqc_general_stats.txt"
# there are many more files in rule all
##### setup singularity #####
singularity: "docker://continuumio/miniconda3"
##### load rules #####
include: "rules/qc.smk"
include: "rules/dada2.smk"
include: "rules/phylogeny.smk"
include: "rules/picrust2.smk"
if LONGITUDINAL == 'yes':
include: 'rules/longitudinal.smk'
print("Will perform a longitudinal analysis")
print("no longitudinal analysis")
The code above works only if I am running a longitudinal dataset. However, when I am not running the longitudinal analysis snakemake fails and says something like:
MissingInputException in line 70 of /mnt/c/Users/noahs/projects/tagseq-qiime2-snakemake-1/Snakefile:
Missing input files for rule all:
I think if I was able to add a similar conditional statement like the one I have for my external snakefile snakemake would not freak out about me not including the longitudinal snakefile.
You can define a list (or dict) of what you want as output outside of the rule all
, and feed that to the input, something like this works:
myoutput = list()
if condition_1 == True:
if condition_2 == True:
rule all:
Either place myoutput
as first in the input of rule all:
rule all:
raw_html = "raw_html_path",
raw_zip = "raw_zip_path"
or make it named, and place it wherever:
rule all:
raw_html = "raw_html_path",
myoutput = myoutput,
raw_zip = "raw_zip_path"
In Python (and snakemake) named positional arguments always go before named arguments.