I have a search bar in my application for locations, when a user presses the search button i want to search for the address based on the current region the user is in.
At the moment I just call
Geocoder geoCoder = new Geocoder(StreetAngelActivity.this,Locale.getDefault());
addresses = geoCoder.getFromLocationName(searchBar.getText().toString(),1);
But the result is not based on the region the person is in.
How can I ensure that the search retrieves based on the users current location?
I need to somehow find the region the user is in (how would i do this)?
and then append it to the searchbar.getText()
and pass to the geocoder
Take a look at the link below, you can specify a region. There is no way to specify a region using the Android API, only a locale.
P.S. You can make a GeoCoder with a custom locale, which is probably your best bet.