I'm having some issues with "i" in imaginary unit. When I have "i" with number my program works. 4+4i it is ok. But when I have only "i" does not want to work. 4+i doesn't work.
I have no idea how to change the code to solve this error. I know that below lines make this problem.
String x[] = str1.split("\\+|i|-");
String y[] = str2.split("\\+|i|-");
It is program for calculating multiplication(*), division(/), addition(+) and subtraction(-) of complex numbers typed as a string.
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
private static DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.0");
public static String Addition(double a_r, double a_i, double b_r, double b_i)
double x = a_r + b_r;
double y = a_i + b_i;
return df.format(x) + "+" + df.format(y) + "i";
public static String Subtraction(double a_r, double a_i, double b_r, double b_i)
double x = a_r - b_r;
double y = a_i - b_i;
return df.format(x) + "-" + df.format(y) + "i";
public static String Multiplication(double a_r, double a_i, double b_r, double b_i)
double x = a_r * b_r - a_i * b_i;
double y = a_r * b_i + a_i * b_r;
return df.format(x) + "+" + df.format(y) + "i";
public static String Division(double a_r, double a_i, double b_r, double b_i)
double x = a_r*b_r + a_i*b_i / b_r + b_i;
double y = a_r*b_i - a_i*b_r / b_r + b_i;
return df.format(x) + "+" + df.format(y) + "i";
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
String str1 = scan.nextLine();
String str2 = scan.nextLine();
String x[] = str1.split("\\+|i|-");
String y[] = str2.split("\\+|i|-");
double a_real = Double.parseDouble(x[0]);
double a_img = Double.parseDouble(x[1]);
double b_real = Double.parseDouble(y[0]);
double b_img = Double.parseDouble(y[1]);
System.out.println(Addition(a_real, a_img, b_real, b_img));
System.out.println(Subtraction(a_real, a_img, b_real, b_img));
System.out.println(Multiplication(a_real, a_img, b_real, b_img));
System.out.println(Division(a_real, a_img, b_real, b_img));
You use the length of the array as condition
double a_img = x.length > 1 ? Double.parseDouble(x[1]) : 1;
double b_img = y.length > 1 ? Double.parseDouble(y[1]) : 1;
For now you code doesn't handle negative numbers, as the dash is in the split pattern. You may use a regex to match the parts you need : (-?\\d+)\\+?(-?\\d*)\\+?i
The parsing of the real
part is easy, for the img
you may check if the part is empty (case +i
) and if the the part is just a dash (case -i
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(-?\\d+)\\+?(-?\\d*)\\+?i").matcher(value);
if (m.find()) {
System.out.println(m.group(1) + "<>" + m.group(2) + " ==>" + m.groupCount());
real = Double.parseDouble(m.group(1));
img = m.group(2).isEmpty() ? 1 : m.group(2).equals("-") ? -1 : Double.parseDouble(m.group(2));
} else {
throw new InvalidParameterException(value);
Designing a small class, the use could be like
class Complex {
private static final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.0");
private final double real, img;
public Complex(String value) {
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("(-?\\d+)\\+?(-?\\d*)\\+?i").matcher(value);
if (m.find()) {
System.out.println(m.group(1) + "<>" + m.group(2) + " ==>" + m.groupCount());
real = Double.parseDouble(m.group(1));
img = m.group(2).isEmpty() ? 1 : m.group(2).equals("-") ? -1 : Double.parseDouble(m.group(2));
} else {
throw new InvalidParameterException(value);
public Complex(double r, double i) {
real = r;
img = i;
public Complex add(Complex other) {
return new Complex(real + other.real, img + other.img);
public Complex substract(Complex other) {
return new Complex(real - other.real, img - other.img);
public Complex multiply(Complex other) {
return new Complex(real * other.real - img * other.img, real * other.img + img * other.real);
public Complex divide(Complex other) {
double denominator = Math.pow(other.real, 2) + Math.pow(other.img, 2);
return new Complex((real * other.real + img * other.img) / denominator,
(real * other.img - img * other.real) / denominator);
public String toString() { return df.format(real) + "+" + df.format(img) + "i";}
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Input num1: ");
String str1 = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("Input num2: ");
String str2 = scan.nextLine();
Complex c1 = new Complex(str1);
Complex c2 = new Complex(str2);