How to get Spring repository return a custom DTS, which is grouping by the column businessValue1 in the table, and have a list of DTO object with other columns in the table
The table, from which I want to return the DTS
id | businessValue1 | businessValue2 | businessValue3
1 | "x" | "uigaiun" | "guthgi"
2 | "x" | "rktjuhngit" | "ujgthniuertn"
3 | "x" | "nguitren" | "ikljugnbe"
4 | "y" | "iughnuitn" | "eiubgnuie"
5 | "q" | "rtiluhn" | "iljughbl"
6 | "q" | "tkiruln" | "jutgnhet"
The Java Entity class representing the table
public class SomeEntity {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
private String businessValue1;
private String businessValue2;
private String businessValue3;
The target Classes:
The DTO representation the other columns in the table
public class SomeDTO {
private String businessValue2;
private String businessValue3;
The DTS representation the group by of the column businessValue1, with the other columns as a list of DTOs
public class SomeDTS {
private String businessValue1;
private List<SomeDTO> dtos;
My expected outcome will have a structure like below
├── "x"
| ├── "uigaiun", "guthgi"
| ├── "rktjuhngit", "ujgthniuertn"
| └── "nguitren", "ikljugnbe"
├── "y"
| └── "iughnuitn", "eiubgnuie"
└── "q"
├── "rtiluhn", "iljughbl"
└── "tkiruln", "jutgnhet"
I was thing that the Spring Data Repository interface should look something like below
public interface SomeEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<SomeEntity, Long> {
+ "new SomeDTS "
+"FROM "
+ "SomeEntity s "
+ "s.businessValue1")
public List<SomeDTS> SomeEntityGroupByBusinessValue1();
By I'm struggling to JPQL query just right, can anyone please help me?
UPDATE 1 - Nov 19th 2020:
I think I got a bit closer, with the comment from @Zorglube
public interface SomeEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<SomeEntity, Long> {
@Query(value =
" DISTINCT SomeDTS.businessValue1, SomeDTO" +
" FROM SomeEntity AS SomeDTS" +
" JOIN SomeEntity AS SomeDTO ON SomeDTS.businessValue1 = SomeDTO.businessValue1")
Stream<SomeDTS> SomeEntityGroupByBusinessValue1();
This still give me issues with mapping
No converter found capable of converting from type [$TupleConverter$TupleBackedMap] to type [SomeDts]
org.springframework.core.convert.ConverterNotFoundException: No converter found capable of converting from type [$TupleConverter$TupleBackedMap] to type [SomeDts]
at java.base/$3$1.accept(
at java.base/java.util.Iterator.forEachRemaining(
at java.base/java.util.Spliterators$IteratorSpliterator.forEachRemaining(
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(
at java.base/
at java.base/
at org.hibernate.query.spi.StreamDecorator.collect(
So how to make the mapping?
Update 2 Switching to interfaces instead
public interface SomeEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<SomeEntity, Long> {
@Query(value =
" DISTINCT SomeDTSIF.businessValue1 as businessValue1, SomeDTOIF" +
" FROM SomeEntity AS SomeDTSIF" +
" JOIN SomeEntity AS SomeDTOIF ON SomeDTSIF.businessValue1 = SomeDTO.businessValue1")
Stream<SomeDTSIF> SomeEntityGroupByBusinessValue1();
Solve the "No converter found capable of converting" issue, but I get 6 objects back:
├── "x"
| └── NULL
├── "x"
| └── NULL
├── "x"
| └── NULL
├── "y"
| └── NULL
├── "q"
| └── NULL
└── "q"
└── NULL
And the list of SomeDTOIF in the SomeDTSIF do not get mapped.
I ended up making a "virtual" parent entity, which acts kind of like a view
+ " DISTINCT SomeEntityParent.currency_source "
+ " FROM some_entity SomeEntityParent"
+ " JOIN some_entity SomeEntity"
+ " ON SomeEntityParent.businessValue1 = SomeEntityParent.businessValue1"
public class SomeEntityParent {
private String businessValue1;
private List<SomeEntity> someEntity;
And then a Repository interface based on that
public interface SomeEntityParentRepository extends JpaRepository<SomeEntityParent, Long> {
Which can then be used in services
private SomeEntityParentRepository repository;
List<SomeEntityParent> results = repository.findAll();
The flat structure is now a hierarchical object.