I have an inside a that starts without the variables being started:
<rect height={5} width={5}>
from={5} to={10} dur="2s"
begin={start ? "0s": "indefinite}/></rect>
The component is inside a SVG which rerenders to change the 'start' variable to start the animation. However, the animation starts immediately regardless of when I choose to rerender it. So if I press it as soon as I render the page it's on then it will work properly. However, if I rerender the component after 2 seconds, the animation will jump to the end value. If I start the animation 1 second after rendering the page the component is on then the animation will play from the middle. What is going on?!
and end
times, if used without a reference to some other clock, always reference the beginning of the document. So instead of setting the value to 0s
, you should use some other reference. Several possibilities come to mind:
Start on click or some other event. The begin
value takes the form of <id of event target element>.<event name>
<rect id="grafic" height={5} width={5}>
<animate id="animation" attributeName="height"
from={5} to={10} dur="2s" begin="grafic.click"/>
Start from some other code. The begin
value stays at indefinite
<rect id="grafic" height={5} width={5}>
<animate id="animation" attributeName="height"
from={5} to={10} dur="2s" begin="indefinite"/>
but the animation is started by API call:
For a more React-like feeling, define a wallckock value of "right now" at the time of setting the attribute:
const rightnow = () => new Date().toLocaleTimeString()
<rect id="grafic" height={5} width={5}>
<animate id="animation" attributeName="height"
from={5} to={10} dur="2s"
begin={start ? `wallclock(${rightnow()})` : "indefinite"/>