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combine more than one rows into a single JSON Object based on common column value

I have the following table :

id |   model    |  version   |   status

.. |  model1    |   1.0      |    old
.. |  model1    |   2.0      |    new
.. |  model2    |   1.1      |    old
.. |  model2    |   1.2      |    new

I need to generate JSON object based on the status for same model(combine two rows into single JSON object) like below :

      "model" : "model1",
      "old_version" : "1.0",
      "new_version" : "2.0"
      "model" : "model2",
      "old_version" : "1.1",
      "new_version" : "1.2"

What I tried so far :

select json_agg(json_build_object(t."model",
                                  CASE WHEN t."status" == 'new'
                                   THEN 'new_version',t."version",
                                   CASE WHEN t."status" == 'old'
                                   THEN 'old_version',t."version",
                                  end ))
from (// my select query with various conditions goes here) t

I am getting syntax error also. How can I achieve the expected output

Thank you in advance !!


  • The THEN part of a CASE expression can only contain a single expression, so then value_a, value_b end is not valid. You are also missing an key for the model value.

    However, you have a two stage aggregation here: first aggregate the versions per model, then aggregate that result into an array. As aggregate functions can't be nested, you need a derived table for this:

    This aggregates the versions for each model:

    select jsonb_build_object('model', model)||jsonb_object_agg(status||'_version', version)
    from (...)
    group by model

    If you can't or don't want to use the status name as the prefix for the "version key", you will have to use a CASE expression:

    select jsonb_build_object('model', model)|| 
                  jsonb_object_agg(case status 
                                     when 'old' then 'old_version' 
                                     when 'new' then 'new_version' 
    from (...)
    group by model

    This can then be used in a derived table to get the json array:

    select jsonb_agg(model)
    from (
      select jsonb_build_object('model', model)||jsonb_object_agg(status||'_version', version) as model
      from (...)
      group by model
    ) t

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