i a bunch of enumerte data which are a name and a function (pointer to it) related to function. how to store them in a single entity for example an array or vector
i want something like this in python:
a = [["foo",foofunc]["bar",barfunk]]
or this in js:
let a = {}
a["foo"] = foofunc
it doesn't matters if name and the function are not at the same level. i just want the function to be accessible through the name.
I think you're looking for a vector
of pair<std::string, void (*)()
as shown below:
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
void foofunc()
std::cout<<"foofunc called"<<std::endl;
//do something here
void barfunc()
std::cout<<"barfunc called"<<std::endl;
//do something here
int main()
//create a vector of pair of std::string and pointer to function with no parameter and void return type
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, void (*)()>> a;
//add elements into the vector
a.push_back({"foo", &foofunc});
a.push_back({"bar", &barfunc});
//lets try calling the functions inside the vector of pairs
a[0].second();//calls foofunc()
a[1].second(); //calls barfunc()
return 0;
The output of the above program can be seen here.