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Ansible converting month to integer

I haven't found anything for this yet.

I am using Ansible and I'm trying to change some values after a decent amount of time.

But my problem is I get a value like:

2020 Nov 19

But I need it to be like:

2020 11 19

How can I do this?


  • using to_datetime and strftime you can achieve it. the filters to apply would be:

    "{{ '%Y %m %d' | strftime(( my_date_string | to_datetime('%Y %b %d')).strftime('%s')) }}"

    as reference, please see the examples here. The idea is to convert your string value to datetime using the to_datetime, then to epoch time using strftime, and finally reformat that to your desired YYYY MM DD.

    A PB with 3 example dates:

    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
        - "2020 Nov 04"
        - "2020 Apr 11"
        - "2020 Aug 23"
      - name: reformat date string
          msg: "{{ '%Y %m %d' | strftime(( item | to_datetime('%Y %b %d')).strftime('%s')) }}"
        loop: "{{ my_date_examples }}"


    TASK [reformat date string] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    ok: [localhost] => (item=2020 Nov 04) => {
        "msg": "2020 11 04"
    ok: [localhost] => (item=2020 Apr 11) => {
        "msg": "2020 04 11"
    ok: [localhost] => (item=2020 Aug 23) => {
        "msg": "2020 08 23"
