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Why was it made possible from JDK 8 that a local inner class (inside a method) can access the non-final local variables of the enclosing method?

class Outer
    public void method1()
        int x = 10;
        class Inner
            public void inMethod()
        Inner i  = new Inner();
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Outer obj = new Outer();

I have gone through a few questions on StackOverflow, even those didn't have precise answers. Method local inner class - can access non final local variable


  • Well, x is not marked as final but it is effectively-final. If you add x += 5; below int x = 10; it will not longer work, because the variable is not effectively final anymore.

    I guess this was mainly changed/implemented that way to better support lambdas. Imagine you would have to always mark a variable final if you wanted to use it inside a lambda.