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React Mapbox layer not showing

I'm trying to use React Mapbox but I'm facing some problems with using the Layer component.

I'm trying to follow this demo:

Or even the "quick start" demo from the main page:

And my map is showing but the layer is doesn't! Here's my code:

import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactMapboxGl, { Layer, Feature, ZoomControl, Marker } from "react-mapbox-gl";
import "mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css";
const data = require("./heatmapData.json");

function LiveMap(props) {

  const Map = ReactMapboxGl({
    accessToken: "pk.ey",

  const heatmapPaint = {
    "heatmap-weight": {
      property: "priceIndicator",
      type: "exponential",
      stops: [
        [0, 0],
        [5, 2],
    // Increase the heatmap color weight weight by zoom level
    // heatmap-ntensity is a multiplier on top of heatmap-weight
    "heatmap-intensity": {
      stops: [
        [0, 0],
        [5, 1.2],
    // Color ramp for heatmap.  Domain is 0 (low) to 1 (high).
    // Begin color ramp at 0-stop with a 0-transparancy color
    // to create a blur-like effect.
    "heatmap-color": [
    // Adjust the heatmap radius by zoom level
    "heatmap-radius": {
      stops: [
        [0, 1],
        [5, 50],

  return (
      {/* block */}
      <div className="p-5 rounded-lg">
        {/* map */}
          className="h-half rounded-lg shadow-lg z-0"
          center={[-0.481747846041145, 51.3233379650232]}
          <ZoomControl />
          <Layer type="heatmap" paint={heatmapPaint}>
            {, index) => (
              <Feature key={index} coordinates={el.latlng} properties={el} />

          <Layer type="symbol" id="marker" layout={{ "icon-image": "marker-15" }}>
            <Feature coordinates={[-0.481747846041145, 51.3233379650232]} />

export default LiveMap;

I can't understand why my heatmap or my symbol is not showing on the map. What I'm doing wrong?


  • Ok, so after some more research I found that the problem is in the last version of react-mapbox-gl (5.0.0). Installing react-mapbox-gl@4.8.6 finally displayed my Layers and everything works fine. I don't know what is the problem in version 5.0.0. Hope they will fix this soon.