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EventBus is not triggering event on ASP.NET Core using Abp

I am trying to use EventBus as described here.

Here is my EventData class

    public class UpdateEntryEventData: EventData
        public long? AttributeId { get; set; }
        public int? TenantId { get; set; }
        public Guid Id { get; set; }


    public interface IEntryEventManager: IEventHandler<UpdateEntryEventData>, ITransientDependency


The interface implementation

    public class EntryEventManager : DasServiceBase, IEntryEventManager
        public void HandleEvent(UpdateEntryEventData eventData)
            // Some logic when an entry is updated ...

Here is when I call the method to trigger the event.

public class EntryManager : DasDomainServiceBase, IEntryManager
   public IEventBus EventBus { get; set; }
   public EntryManager()
     EventBus = NullEventBus.Instance;

   public async Task<MessageOutput<Guid>> UpdateAsync(UpdateEntryInput input)
      input.Entry = await _customDataManager.GetEntryAsync(input.Entry, AbpSession?.TenantId);

      var result = await _entryStore.UpdateAsync(input).ConfigureAwait(false);
      EventBus.Trigger(new UpdateEntryEventData
         TenantId = AbpSession.GetTenantId(),
         Id = input.Id,
         AttributeId = input.AttributeId

       return new MessageOutput<Guid>(result, null);

Based on the explation of the tutorial if our class implements: IEventHandler, ITransientDependency it will be registered. But for some reason that I can't figure out now the event is not being triggered.


  • I did some updates on my code and it is working now.

    • DasServiceBase removed
        public class EntryEventManager : IEntryEventManager
            public void HandleEvent(UpdateEntryEventData eventData)
                // Some logic when an entry is updated ...
    • DasDomainServiceBase replaced by DasServiceBase
    • Property EventBus must be public
    public class EntryManager : DasServiceBase, IEntryManager
       public IEventBus EventBus { get; set; }