We use Maven Cargo to launch our service locally and run tests on it. Here is the configuration of the plugin:
<!-- -Xdebug-->
<!-- -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000-->
<!-- -Xnoagent-->
<!-- -Djava.compiler=NONE-->
We use the following command to launch the Cargo:
clean prepare-package cargo:run -Dcargo.tomcat.ajp.port=9080 -Dmaven.tomcat.port=8080 -Dcargo.rmi.port=9070
I've tried launching the process with both the normal IntelliJ Run button and the VisualVM Launcher one:
In both cases, the local Tomcat server launches properly and awaits requests on 8080, as usual. However, the process does not appear in the Local
list in the VisualVM application.
I tried with and without the multiple -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote
args in the <cargo.start.jvmargs>
I also tried adding the connection locally by right-clicking the Local
item and selecting Add JMX Connection
and inputting the port value given to the cargo (1099
But nothing happens.
Precision: I'm very new to VisualVM and am not 100% certain about all this stuff. Especially selecting "JMX".
When you run your Maven
command which launches the Cargo
, you end up with two new processes. In the picture above, it's Apache Maven (pid 22512)
and Tomcat (pid 14080)
(note: PIDs are irrelevant and will most probably be different on your machine).
Since our Cargo
is configured to use Tomcat
, the Tomcat process is the one that we wanted to profile.
I had noticed and tried that before, but the VisualVM
application was very unresponsive and I thus had then started exploring other possibilities. Moreover, the second time I tried that and let the Profiler
initialize itself fully, the thing was quite unresponsive for a few minutes.