Consider the following HTML:
<meta id="meta" http-equiv="refresh">
<script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("meta").content="1;url=data:text/html;base64,PFNDUklQVD5hbGVydCgiUHduZWQiKTs8L1NDUklQVD4=";
If you type the data:text/html;base64,PFNDUklQVD5hbGVydCgiUHduZWQiKTs8L1NDUklQVD4=
in the Chrome URL address bar, you will get an alert.
But it doesn't happen when you use it in the meta tag above. It shows some error -
Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL: data:text/html;base64,PFNDUklQVD5hbGVydCgiUHduZWQiKTs8L1NDUklQVD4=
Mainly I want to auto redirect to a different page. But using the base64 encoded URL.
If I do <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1;url=">
, the page does gets redirected to after a second.
But when I change the same to content="1;data:text/html;base64,aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ=="
, I get the same error:
Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL
Even if you paste the string: data:text/html;base64,aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ==
in the browser's address bar it will show you
I want to do it inside the HTML using JavaScript. Is there any way to achieve this?
how about using a redirect in javascript like explained here: within an onload()
<!-- ... -->
function myRedirectFunction() {
// option 1
// window.location.href = "";
// option 2
<body onload="myRedirectFunction()">
<!-- ... -->