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Adding quality gate to Jenkins maven project's build section

I have a Jenkins Maven project that runs a SonarQube analysis for my build. I would like to add quality gate, so that my build fails when quality gate fails. I also would like to do it without Jenkinsfile (so just using Jenkins project configurations). Currently, I use build section to perform SonarQube analysis. The 'Goals and options' field has this code:

clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true sonar:sonar -Dsonar.projectKey=someName -Dsonar.sources=src/main/java

Here is where I would like quality gate to be defined and implemented:

This is where I would like my quality gate to be defined

I tried to add Quality Gate to 'Post Build' section but no available options worked for me (I was thinking to try to make 'SonarQube Analysis with Maven' option to work, but it is deprecated now). I also found 'Quality Gate' plugin available to Jenkins but it has a vulnerability that I do not want to have (but wonder if there are any alternatives to said plugin).

I am thinking that 'Execute SonarQube Scanner' option in 'Pre-Steps' section may do it but I cannot find the right line/lines that I need to add to file (is there a line like sonar.qualityGateFailBuild = true option?)

This question here mentioned that Maven version is an issue. Wonder if it is possible to work around it? (My maven version is 3.8.0 and I cannot change it)


Found an 'Post step' section that allows for file to be configured. Currently, it looks as below, but Quality Gate still does not fail my build. What other arguments do I need to add?:

My current state


  • After trial and error, I found this post which was a life saver. I had some errors when I tried to use Nanotron's code (last answer), so I have added some adjustments. Here is what worked for me (I used 'Post Steps' --> 'Execute shell command' section of my Jenkins project):

    if [ -e tmp.txt ];
    rm tmp.txt
    rm error.txt
    rm task.json
    url=$(cat $WORKSPACE/[your pathway here]/target/sonar/report-task.txt | grep ceTaskUrl | cut -c11- )
    echo ${url}
    pswd=${SONAR_AUTH_TOKEN} // env variable that fetches sonar token
    curl -s -X GET -u "${pswd}" "$url" | python -m json.tool
    while [ $stsCheck = 1 ]
    sleep 10
    curl -s -X GET -u "${pswd}" "$url" -o task.json
    status=$(python -m json.tool < task.json | grep -i "status" | cut --delimiter=: --fields=2 | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g' )
    echo ${status}
    if [ $status = SUCCESS ]; then
    analysisID=$(python -m json.tool < task.json | grep -i "analysisId" | cut -c24- | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g')
    echo ${analysisID}
    echo ${analysisUrl}
    curl -s -X GET -u "${pswd}" -L $analysisUrl | python -m json.tool
    curl -s -X GET -u "${pswd}" -L $analysisUrl | python -m json.tool | grep -i "status" | cut -c28- | sed 's/.$//' >> tmp.txt
    cat tmp.txt
    sed -n '/ERROR/p' tmp.txt >> error.txt
    cat error.txt
    if [ $(cat error.txt | wc -l) -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Quality Gate Passed ! Setting up SonarQube Job Status to Success ! "
    echo "Quality Gate Failed ! Setting up SonarQube Job Status to Failure ! "
    exit 1