I have this output JSON. It comes from this type
TextValue class is String text, String value.
"data": [
"text": "DescCode",
"value": "01"
"text": "DescName",
"value": "Description 1"
"text": "SecondCode",
"value": "01"
"text": "DescCode",
"value": "02"
"text": "DescName",
"value": "Description 2"
"text": "SecondCode",
"value": "02"
I would like to transform it to this JSON out.
which I believe would be this object setup.
List<Map<String, String>>
"data": [
"DescCode": "01",
"DescName": "Description 1",
"SecondCode": "01"
"DescName":"Description 2",
My JSON is created automatically by my Spring REST controller so I really just need the Java object, Json is just for Reference.
Am I off base with this? List<Map<String, String>>
Here is nested list of TextValue
List<List<TextValue>> list = List.of(
List.of(new TextValue("DescCode", "01"),
new TextValue("DescName", "Description 1"),
new TextValue("SecondCode", "01")),
List.of(new TextValue("DescCode", "02"),
new TextValue("DescName", "Description 2"),
new TextValue("SecondCode", "02")));
And this basically streams the inner lists and then streams each of those to create a map with the specified keys and values. The maps are then collected into a list.
List<Map<String,String>> listOfMaps = list.stream()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(TextValue::getText, TextValue::getValue)))
{DescName=Description 1, DescCode=01, SecondCode=01}
{DescName=Description 2, DescCode=02, SecondCode=02}
The TextValue class.
class TextValue {
String text;
String value;
public TextValue(String text, String value) {
this.text = text;
this.value = value;
public String getText() {
return text;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s, %s", text, value);