I've started my first react native project and things are finally starting to go quite smoothly, but I really can't say I care for the way 3rd party dependencies are installed with npm/yarn.
As a Microsoft developer I'm looking at this wondering if these tools were developed by neanderthals? Okay, okay, I get it a lot of you think it's cool and it's a culture/tradition thing that once you get used to it it's not a big deal and maybe you feel it's even "better".
But I'm also reminded of a boss who once said "people don't want pictures... they want information!" in response to Window's/Apple's early operating systems. Boy did he miss it.
I want the pictures. Where is my visual package manager? Is there one?
And for reference, I am using Visual Studio Code.
I think this is what you want: https://npmjs.com/package/npm-gui?activeTab=readme
Ironically need to install using npm command line