In my hive table "ticket_full" I have a json type column named "service_id" that I would like to extract in 3 columns, which is like this
[{"position":"1","typeid":"ROUTNAME","value":"KHLA30076"},{"position":"2","typeid":"CDCNAME","value":"eff-e-rjh-sw-cs2"},{"position":"3","typeid":"SVCNAME","value":"Managed LAN"},{"position":"4","typeid":"USID","value":"SA00BNGH0E"}]
I used the code below:
SELECT get_json_object(single_json_table.identifiant_produit, '$.position') AS position,
get_json_object(single_json_table.identifiant_produit, '$.typeid') AS typeid,
get_json_object(single_json_table.identifiant_produit, '$.value') AS value
(SELECT explode(split(regexp_replace(substr(serviceid, 2, length(serviceid)-2),
'"},\\{"', '"},,,,{"'), ',,,,') ) as identifiant_produit
FROM ticket_full) single_json_table
it works but every time there is a value at NULL, it ignores what follows and goes to the next field: example:
Does anyone know how to fix this please ?
It is because null has no double-quotes and you are replacing this '"},\\{"'
with this '"},,,,{"'
Try to remove double-quote before } in the regex pattern and replacement string accordingly, then it will work with quoted values and nulls also:
split(regexp_replace(substr(serviceid, 2, length(serviceid)-2),
'},\\{"', '},,,,{"'), ',,,,')