I try run OrientDB server from c# code. When I run via Powershell my database works, but when I try run from code I get error like don't have connect to db. I thought problem is how long process starts but I used Thread.Sleep(20000) after processOrient.Start and it didn't help too. Other servers starts very well from code (but .exe files) My code:
ProcessStartInfo processInfoOrient = new ProcessStartInfo()
FileName = @"B:\db\orientdb-3.0.29\bin\server.bat",
RedirectStandardError = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
UseShellExecute = false,
CreateNoWindow = false,
WorkingDirectory = @"B:\db\orientdb-3.0.29\bin"
Process processOrient = new Process();
processOrient.StartInfo = processInfoOrient;
How Can I do that? Thanks.
In order to run bat-file you need to have UseShellExecute = true.